It’s been many., many, many months of hard work, but I’m thrilled to announce the whole range of DIY kits is now available and exclusive to!
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We're always adding more news, ideas and posts to our blog, so keep checking back for future updates. In the mean time, maybe you'd like some of these older articles.
Chantry Place 2023
Piglet&Chestnut will be in Chantry Place, Norwich this September! I am ridiculously excited to have my very own stall right in the CENTRE of Chantry Place, Norwich. Above, is the spot we are having, which is A M A Z I NG! I will be looking for a small group of people to help me…
2023 is going to be B I G !
What have we got lined up? Well....first of all, DIY kit number #5(!) is now being developed (and as always, I can't wait to show you!). Not only that, but Piglet&Chestnut are booked in to have our very own stall, right in the centre of Chantry Place, Norwich from this September - so if you're…
Last Chance!
Our old DIY kits will soon be replace by our brand new shiny DIY kits plus our 4th and biggest DIY kit to date! Here is a sneak peek of what they're going to look like.... This has been months and months of work and when I got my prototypes through yesterday, I actually felt…